May 16, 2021 Challenging Inequities – 3 Health and Health Care Rev. Dr. Twining F. Campbell
For our service this week – here is the link:
Rev. Drs Twining and Martha Campbell welcome the community to worship and lead the call to worship. Dr. Imre Szilas plays the Prelude: “Prelude in G” by Ferenc Novotny followed by the Westminster Chimes.
Pastor Twine opens the service encouraging everyone to join in singing our Congregational Introit: “Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty.”
Pastor Martha shares the prayer concerns and then leads us all in the Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer. Following a brief musical interlude, Pastor Martha continues leading us in the Affirmation.
Imre Szilas plays the Anthem: “Be Thou My Vision.” This popular hymn is based on an Irish Ballad and is arranged by Imre. Robert Smith has added our windows to augment the last section of Imre’s arrangement.
Pastor Twine asks us to join in the Prayer of Illumination and reads the scripture lesson – Deuteronomy 15:7-11. The sermon, the third in our series on Challenging Inequities focuses on health and health care. The key to changing these inequities is being generous, even when we don’t feel like it.
After expressing thanks for the communities participation Pastor Twine gives the charge and blessing. The service concludes with the Postlude: “Fugue in G minor” (The Little) by J.S. Bach, played by Imre Szilas on the Westminster pipe organ.
Westminster’s services are filmed by Robert Smith and are available on our webpage ( and on our YouTube and Facebook pages (Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, CA). We will also mail the link for all our services and devotionals if you contact the church at