March 21, 2021 The Fifth Sunday of Lent The Art of Forgiveness – 5 The Rev. Dr. Martha M. Campbell

Posted on March 21, 2021 @ 2:04 pm

Here is the link for today’s worship service:

Today we gather for the Fifth Sunday in Lent to celebrating our connection with brothers and sisters all across our country.  We begin coming together with the Call to Worship and Prayer then  listen to the Prelude “Ungarns Gott” by Franz Liszt – played by Dr. Imre Szilas on the Westminster pipe organ.  The Westminster Chimes call us worship as we sing the first stanza of the hymn: “God of Our Life”

Rev. Dr. Twining Campbell shares the announcements:
1) Thanks all (like those below) who supported the All Saints Church Foster Care Project with Easter Basket items.
2) There is a congregational ZOOM meeting to answer the questions of Baptism at 11:00 today – the link is on the next page.

Then Pastor Twine leads us in prayer closing in the Lord’s Prayer.  

Following a brief musical interlude we join in the Litany of Forgiveness as we are led by both Pastor Martha and Pastor Twine.

The Anthem, “Jazz Kyrie,” is an original composition by Dr. Szilas and features Quinn Davis – soloist, accompanied by Dr. Imre Szilas on piano.  

Rev. Dr. Martha Campbell leads the community in the Prayer of Illumination and then reads the lesson:  Matthew 18:23-35.  As we continue our series, The Art of Forgiveness, we remember that forgiveness is a basic expression of the Christian faith.  Today we are going to look at what happens when we forgive someone else.

The service closes with Pastor Martha pronouncing the Charge and Benediction followed by the Postlude: “Litanies,” by Jehan Allen played by Dr. Imre Szilas on the Westminster pipe organ.

Westminster’s services are filmed by Robert Smith who gives a heartfelt statement at the end of today’s service — I encourage you to watch to the very end.  Our services are available on our website ( and our Facebook and YouTube pages (Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, CA).