January 10, 2021 The First Sunday in Epiphany Hope in the Book of Hebrews-1 Rev. Dr. Martha M. Campbell

Posted on January 10, 2021 @ 2:29 pm

In this season, to recognize and celebrate the light coming into the world, we are beginning a new sermon series on Hope in the book of Hebrews.  It promises to be a very interesting and faith provoking series.

Here is the link for our service this morning: 


Pastor Martha welcomes all to the first worship service then leads us in the Call to worship.

Dr. Imre Szilas plays the Prelude: “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring” by J.S. Bach on the Westminster pipe organ that precedes the Westminster Chimes and the Congregational Introit – “Whispering Hope.”
Pastor Twine shares the announcements and prayer concerns:

  Bruce Buegler has had the flu (he’s tested negative for Covid) since Dec. 26th and is still waiting a surgical date for his major heart problems.
  Marjean Thomas’ granddaughter, Amber, is having a lot of heart problems and they aren’t sure what the medications are going to do to her unborn child.
  The people of Los Angeles county struggling with Covid.
  We need to pray for our country as we seek to find unity after the riot at the capitol earlier this week – then lead the community in the Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer.

The Affirmation of Faith for the season of Epiphany is: The Church Has Left the Building – that emphasizes that we are all the church wherever we are.

The anthem is “We Three Kings of Orient Are” as arranged by Imre Szilas – an uplifting and exciting example of this well known hymn. 

Pastor Martha gives the Message for the morning based on Hebrews 3:1-6.  That there is much beyond our world that gives us hope and we need to live out that hope.  Martha closes with a prayer that we remember God’s love and presence in our lives.

Pastor Martha gives the charge and benediction and the service concludes with the Postlude: “In Thee Is Gladness” by J.S. Bach and played by Dr. Imre Szilas

We are grateful to Robert Smith who filmed our service today and it is available on our webpage (wpcpas.org), and on our Facebook page and YouTube channel: (Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, CA).