April 25, 2021 The Fourth Sunday of Easter The Rev. Dr. Martha M. Campbell
Posted on April 25, 2021 @ 12:55 pm
Here is the link for today’s service
In our service this week Rev. Dr. Martha Campbell welcomes the Westminster Online Community to worship and we join in saying the Call to Worship.
Dr. Imre Szilas plays the Prelude – “Fantasy in C” (first movement) by Cesar Franck. We hear Westminster Chimes and join in singing the 4th stanza of the classic hymn, “Our God, Our Help in Ages Past,” that Winston Churchill chose as the closing hymn for his funeral service at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London almost 60 years ago.
Rev. Dr. Twining Campbell shares the announcements regarding our new book study: So You Want to Talk About Race by ljeoma Oluo and the prayer concerns of our country, after the Derek Chauvin verdict, and our community. Pastor Twine then leads us all in the prayers of the people and the Lord’s Prayer.
After a brief interlude we join in saying the Easter Affirmation of Faith before the Anthem – “I Will Extol the Lord” featuring Quinn Davis and accompanied by Imre Szilas. Imre wrote this Hymn for Westminster to celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2008.
Pastor Martha leads us in the Prayer of Illumination, reads the morning lesson from Luke 24:13-35 – the walk to Emmaus. Pastor Martha then preaches her sermon, On the Road Again. Opening with a memory of the musical Camelot, Pastor Martha, shows that the Walk to Emmaus preaches how Easter reminds us that hope still lives through Jesus’ resurrection.
Pastor Martha pronounces the Charge and Benediction and the service concludes with Imre Szilas playing the Postlude “Grand Choir in C” by Theodore Salomé on the Westminster pipe organ.
Pastor Martha pronounces the Charge and Benediction and the service concludes with Imre Szilas playing the Postlude “Grand Choir in C” by Theodore Salomé on the Westminster pipe organ.
Our services are filmed by Robert Smith and are also available on our Facebook and YouTube pages (Westminster Presbyterian Church Pasadena, CA).