August 16, 2020 Elder Ginger Loesch
Posted on August 16, 2020 @ 1:15 pm
Imre Szilas is on vacation so, our Prelude, Postlude and anthem are encore performances. Imre Szilas opens the service with “Pax Vobiscum” by Richard Purvis, the Anthem is “Hymn” by Vangelis and he closes with “Patriotic Prelude” by Gordon Young.
Following the welcome and prayer by Ginger Loesch, we begin with a simple accompaniment of “Be Thou My Vision” – stanza 2. This has been a very popular hymns in churches since it was written just over 100 years ago.
Helen Darsie shares the announcements and prayer concerns for:
Healthcare workers and Frontline workers;
Schools restarting – in a variety of ways, teachers and students,
The people of Beirut recovering from a horrific explosion, and
The Loflands asked us to pray for those experiencing massive flooding in China.
Helen then leads us in a responsive reading on Stewardship with Dawn Smith representing the congregation.
This morning, Bill Loesch leads us in the prayer of Illumination and reads the scripture lesson.
Ginger Loesch, our church’s Treasurer, preaches this morning on Joseph and the importance of keeping our faith in hard times while remaining good stewards (like Joseph) and taking advantage of the opportunities facing us. Ginger reviewed the minutes from 1918 and found that the pandemic was mentioned only once but the faith of the people didn’t waver despite the deaths of 12 members. In fact less than ten years later they raised enough money and pledges to build the office section and break ground on the sanctuary building. In 100 years, when people look back at us what will they see? Will they see that the hardships we face did not sway us from our faithfulness to God? Stewardship is one way to respond in faith to God’s ongoing generosity.
Robert Smith continues to direct and film our services. We are very grateful for the great video of our worship service today.