June 27, 2021 “Getting Back to Generosity” Rev. Dr. Twining F. Campbell III

Posted on June 27, 2021 @ 11:19 am

Here is the link for our worship service today.




Rev. Dr. Twining Campbell welcomes the community to worship then leads everyone in the Call to Worship with Rev. Dr. Martha Campbell.

Dr. Imre Szilas plays the Prelude: “Concerto in F” (the First Movement) by George Frideric Handel.

After the Westminster Chimes, Pastor Twine leads the community in singing the first verse of the old hymn: “Take Time to Be Holy.”

Pastor Martha shares the announcements and Prayer concerns then leads the congregation in prayer followed by The Lord’s Prayer and then The Affirmation of Faith.

Imre Szilas plays the Anthem – an original composition by Imre Szilas:  “Revelation 4:6,” Sea of Glass.

The Prayer of Illumination and the Bible reading from Luke 6:35-38  follow, then Pastor Twine presents the sermon:  Getting Back to Generosity.  This is the last in our “Getting Back” series.  One aspect of the pandemic was relative isolation.  But Jesus tells us to “Love your enemies, do good and lend to them…” which is not normal.  But if we do it we show all people what our God is like because that is what God did.

The service closes with the Charge, Benediction and Postlude: “Toccata in G” by Théodore Dubois played by Imre Szilas.

Our services are filmed by Robert Smith and are available on our webpage (wpcpas.org) and our Facebook and YouTube pages (Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, CA) or if you provide your contact information we can send a link every Sunday.