July 18, 2021 Westminster Cares Act – PPP Programs Rev. Dr. Martha M. Campbell
Today our worship service was both in-person and live streamed at 10:00,
Here is the link:
Rev. Dr. Twining Campbell welcomes the community to worship then Dr. Imre Szilas plays the Prelude: “Fantasy in F” composed by Johan Ludwig Krebs.
After the Westminster Chimes, Pastor Twine leads the community in the Call to Worship and we join in singing the third verse of the hymn: “We All Are One In Mission.”
Pastor Twine shares the Announcements, Prayer concerns and leads the congregation in prayer followed by The Lord’s Prayer. As we try to “get back to normal” we pass the peace by Greeting Each Other in Place and waving to each other. We join in The Affirmation of Faith.
Elder Susan Sulak talks about Westminster’s mission giving as part of our Stewardship Campaign – Westminster Cares.
The Anthem today features Quinn Davis singing “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman accompanied by The Westminster Trio (Bowie Bossendorfer – drums, Imre Szilas – piano, Twining Campbell – bass guitar).
Pastor Martha offers the Prayer of Illumination, the Bible reading from James 1:22-27 and presents the sermon: Westminster Cares Act: Program. This is the third in our “PPP” series. “Though she be but little, she is fierce…” this quote from Shakespeare also describes Westminster – throughout the pandemic we have maintained our mission support and giving in our community and the world as we support more than 35 different groups and ministries.
The service closes with the Charge, Benediction and the Postlude: “Toccata in B minor” written by Eugene Gigout and played by Imre Szilas on the Westminster pipe organ.
Our services are filmed by Robert Smith and are available on our webpage (wpcpas.org) and our Facebook and YouTube pages (Westminster Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, CA).